9/2/2021 2 Comments Raw Dawg![]() I like my sex like I like my cookies… Oh so Alissa, you mean warm and prepared with love? No bih… I mean FUCKING RAW. LMFAO just kidding (partially).. I mean depending on the person, circumstance, and situation I will not be the person to lie and say “I never have had sex raw,” because like every other person on this planet… we have all had raw sex (when we knew that we weren’t supposed to) and fucking loved it. I am being 100 with y’all, seeing how in health classes they don’t wanna tell you the truth… which is why so many mfs are pregnant and living with STDs. Every single person (well I mean excluding a small percentage) will have raw sex with NO intentions of having a kid.
Is this a bad thing? Yes. Am I going to tell you not to do it? Absolutely not (meaning I am not gonna tell you no). Why? Because I am a human being just like all of you guys and I know what it is like to just lose track of the moment and wanna say Fuck It, literally. The whole point of this article is for educational purposes because just like underage drinking, it cannot be prevented, but it can be set up in a safe environment to avoid any OTHER complications. In a perfect world, we would wanna say that raw sex (aka sex without a condom) will be used after marriage when you are ready to have a baby. But realistically speaking… the majority of people will be having sex without a condom with their first sexual partner. Let’s go over what they say in health class… -Raw sex means that you will get pregnant -Raw sex means that you will have an STD -Raw sex is ONLY used for when you want to have a baby False, false, and false again. Clearly, there are WAY higher chances of getting pregnant/STDs without a condom, but bruh… you could have that shit happen to you when you ARE using a condom… trust me.. I know from experience. So, I will tell you the real thing about raw sex.. The important thing about it that y’all don’t understand. You will get more attached with raw sex. It will be harder to let go of a relationship after having raw sex. Once you introduce raw sex, you most likely can’t go back. Story time. I remember my first time having raw sex… sheesh bro… nothing fucking better in this world. The whole thing just was increased by 300000 times. You both REALLY get to feel each other. Like ACTUALLY get to feel each other. I was talking to a kid at work about it who is MADLY in love with his girlfriend… the first thing he said about raw sex was “the connection is just so much stronger.” Like everyone knows that shit. It’s like when someone touches your leg when you are wearing jeans vs shorts. You feel them so much more when it’s skin to skin. The condom serves as a barrier… which is good AND bad because it is blocking the skin to skin contact from passing infections, diseases, and them bodily juices. But, it’s also a bad thing because its FUCKING BLOCKING THE SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT, so you don’t get to ACTUALLY feel them. So obviously, if you are feeling this person more.. You are going to feel more emotionally and spiritually connected to each other. Which I know from FIRST HAND experience… makes it so much harder to let go of them because sexually you have really reached another level of connection than with someone with a condom. It is a TRUE bondage of your two bodies and souls at that point… and when that happens… it is SO hard to go back. When you taste chocolate cake… it is hard to crave an apple the next day. You of COURSE are going to want to eat more of that cake because DUH it tastes waaaaay better than the apple. Hence the reasoning why people don’t really have sex with a condom after they have already taken that thing off lmfao. Obviously, we have been told forever that this is not the best idea… but we never listen. But coming from a person who loves sex (especially with someone I am in love with), I know that it is hard to not have raw sex… because that shit is good. The only thing I can really say is y’all can’t really trust ANYONE… look at marriages nowadays. Couples together for over 20 years are cheating… you gotta just make sure that you are CONSTANTLY getting tested because no matter how much someone says that they love you and that you are the only one… unless you have a camera built in their skin… they can always be doing some fuck shit when you aren’t around. I would say… don’t give up that raw shit to just ANYONE. Wait until it is someone you truly love and see real commitment with them because honestly, the connection you will build together after having that type of sex is reaklly fucking hard to move on from. Speaking to you from a first hadn experience, if I had avoided the raw sex… I think that my past heartbreak wouldn’t have been so difficult to overcome because not only emotionally was I attached, but I was physically and spiritually connected and attached to this dude…. Which is a VERY hard thing to fight off… believe me. I’m not gonna say DONT HAVE RAW SEX… because I know that is unrealistic in literally all aspects of our society. All I would say and recommend is making sure that you are choosing the right person and requiring the right tests when taking that step. Because with “grown up decisions/actions” comes “grown up consequences.” So… just be careful and VERY picky. Are you going to listen to me? Probably not. But.. it was worth a shot.
Eduardo Sánchez
10/4/2021 06:12:34 pm
Que grande eres Alissa, me encantó tu contenido.
10/7/2021 06:45:24 pm
This is absolutely true , the feeling is the best and only do it with someone u trust and know their past !!
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