3/16/2021 9 Comments Cum or Go
I don’t know about any of you, but for me, sex brings out a completely different person. I’m submissive, yet controlling. Sexy, yet sweet. Smooth, yet rough. I can be anyone I want during sex. It’s the one time that I have in my life to have absolutely no filter. Sex makes me feel free, in touch with my body, and overall beautiful.
So yes, sex is a beautiful f*cking thing. But you know what’s even more beautiful? Cumming. Yes ladies… cumming for us exists, although the majority of us ladies will never experience a real orgasm during sex--- emphasis on REAL. As women, we are pretty powerless during sex. The hardness of a males “genitalia” determines when we can start sex and the “firing of their cannon” determines the end. So, we really have no say of when WE want to start or stop the physical act of sex. If you ask me.. This is some bullsh*t. This topic is something that is almost an everyday conversation between my best friend and me. When you have obtainable, constant d*ck.. There is absolutely no reason for you to be fingerf*cking yourself in the shower after 30 minutes of sex. No. Reason. At. All. If I can make you cum.. I’m sure you can put in some effort to have me do the same. I may not consider myself a “Sex-pert,” but I sure do know how to get myself pleased which SHOULD be one of your priorities during sex. I am guilty of being a “people-pleaser” myself, especially during sex. I can completely relate to not giving a fuck about yourself during sex and just wanting to please your man. BUT… and thats a very big but… as a woman you need to be caring about yourself because trust me, your man probably doesn’t care. I have had sex a good amount of times, with a decent amount of boys (notice how I said boys and not MEN). Therefore, I can speak from experience when I say that guys do not really care about their females cumming. You could give them the best sex of their lives and the second their little “explosion” happens it’s like “Okay time for a nap.” They expect us to be completely physically satisfied when their little guy is ready for night-night time. The fact is we don’t cum when we have sex. The fact is 30% of women cum during sex. The fact is WTF IS THIS. Last time I checked, sex is something that should be satisfying BOTH parties.. Not just Mr. Dicky Boy over here. So, why are we constantly faking the loud moans and orgasms (well.. Im not sure about you guys, but at least for me I’M faking it). Could be we want to be seen as sexy. Could be we want to make our men feel good. Could be that we want to live up to that “Porn Star” image. Or is could be that we are simply fed the f*ck up with not cumming and we just want sex to be over already. Honestly, I have no idea why I do this.. What I do know is when taking matters into my own hands that sh*t can be very satisfying VERY fast. But why can’t a man do that for me? This all comes down to the number one basic need in absolutely ever relationship.. Communication. As women, we need to understand that cumming during sex is hard. But as men, our significant others need to also understand that when they are done.. We might not be done. So yes, that might require some extra “care,” even after their little time bomb went off. Sorry, not sorry. Sex is a mutual arrangement. Whether you are in a committed relationship or in a hook-up, emotions and effort is required from both parties in order to make it happen. So, thinking about purely your own pleasure/how you feel is only half of the process, which is something so many men don’t understand. The most important thing is communicating about WHAT feels good for you and what you like/don’t like. Like I said, I am guilty of wanting to please a man, I completely understand how one could disregard how they feel just to make another human feel good. But as women we really need to educate these men on how our bodies work because this “30% of women orgasm during sex” bullsh*t isn’t gonna cut it for me. Sex is fun, sex is beautiful.. But that shits mutual which means... cum for you, cum for TWO.
3/24/2021 09:03:29 pm
Damn gurrrllll
3/30/2021 07:52:25 pm
I feel like a lot of people underestimate the importance of sex in a relationship. I feel like too many people view it as satiating an urge, but in reality, it’s a way to more deeply connect with your partner. Just like you would put time into learning what makes your partner happy or what they like to eat, you should also take time to learn about their body! Good sex can bring people closer together, and bad sex definitely push people apart. When I was with one of my exes, the first time we had sex and I started cumming, she literally started throwing tissues at my crotch because she didn’t want to see it. It made me feel like shit, and definitely put a crack in our relationship. Making your partner happy physically is just as important as making them happy mentally.
3/31/2021 09:35:22 pm
This was my favorite thing to read, I laughed so hard and get learned so much. Every single thing is ABSOLUTELY true
4/1/2021 06:54:08 am
This was really good and yeah especially with hookups guys overall don’t do enough for the ladies . When in reality we should.
4/1/2021 11:04:09 am
Absolutely love this 💕
4/1/2021 02:34:14 pm
Like you said.... boys. Rule #1: She cums first. And she cums as many times as she wants to; or is able to. When she's done it's time to get off.
Melissa B
4/2/2021 10:20:41 am
You have to be a little selfish and take control..men can cum when the fucking wind blows..Start dealing with men not boys..while I love and understand your article I can't relate ..cousin I got me a man and let me just end this with one word...MULTIPLE...
4/11/2021 08:25:04 am
I read through your blog and found it very thought provoking. As a very YOUNG girl, you have barely scratched the surface of what may be in store. Although your point of boys and young men being selfish and wanting to "get off" is very true, there is more to sex than just cumming. Great, I make my woman cum and satify her and then I wait my turn and let it go. We lay back and look at the ceiling. That's sex. When you mature, you'll start thinking differently and calling it something other than sex. At your young and tender age, you know what great sex is but let's put it in perspective. You have just discovered it and can't get enough, like we all do when we're very young. I can remember marathon sex of 5 or 6 times in a day feeling like Superman. At the time, that's great. When you get a little older, you understand and discover that there's more. You may plan a day where there's a prelude to the beginning of where it goes. Looking at each other with deep attraction, wanting to go rip off your clothes but, you wait, let it build. Talk about what you want, erotically, and go to a nice, private place. You engage slowly through undress, foreplay, pleasing each other orally with him bringing her to orgasm multiple times. Then you talk dirty and slowly progress, transitioning from position to position. She wants to cum again and wants you to but you want to wait and cum together. That's incredible, by the way. When you both go, you go and then stay there, sticking to each other and looking at each other. You are both completely drained. This is when you've moved from sex to intimacy at its finest.
4/14/2021 06:52:05 am
Beautiful article, do you still you have to fake the moans to this day or stopped so the satisfactory gets distributed both ways equally.
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